GC News and Progress
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New GC Project: Shar Mountains National Park, Macedonia
A new National Park Authority has been created, and Global Conservation is funding critical equipment, communications, training, preparation of a ten-year wildlife management plan, and SMART patrolling.
GC Mission To Jardines De La Reina National Park, Cuba
Global Conservation hosted donors, board members and advisors on a spectacular diving trip to Jardines de la Reina, Cuba, with our Partner in Conservation – Avalon – who has implemented the most robust and successful Marine Protection programs in the world.
2022 Progress: Cardamom Mountains National Park, Cambodia
Despite its new protected status, illegal land clearing and wildlife poaching continue to threaten Cardamom National Park. Here are our 2022 patrolling results.
A Conservation Victory: Over The Past Three Years, No Elephants Poached In Mana Pools National Park
With our support, the Bushlife Conservancy has been working to curb poaching. Thanks to this hard work, they recently announced that Mana Pools National Park has been free of any elephant poaching incidents for three years.
GC Restores Ranger Stations During The War In Ukraine
Global Conservation is continuing to provide support to our friends and colleagues in Carpathian National Nature Park (CNNP), including restoring two ranger stations.
Protecting The Naso Kingdom And La Amistad World Heritage Site
This month, the Global Conservation Central America team kicked off a new GC Project with the Naso People of Panama to protect La Amistad International Park.
2021-22 Progress Report: Greater Belize Maya Forest
Programme for Belize (PfB) received a $150,000 grant from Global Conservation to support the protection of the Greater Belize Maya Forest.
Komodo World Heritage Site 2021 Progress Report
Global Conservation has supported a 6-month Komodo dragon conservation pilot project through the Komodo Survival Program (KSP) in strengthening the existing conservation effort in Komodo National Park (KNP), Indonesia.
DaMaI Rainforest Complex 2020/2021 Progress Report: 30 Poachers Arrested, GC Supports 6 ATVs
Global Conservation recently helped Sabah Environmental Trust and the Yayasan Sabah Group purchase 6 ATVs and 8 trail cameras to assist with their patrolling and enforcement efforts in DaMaI.
Marine Monitor Assists Major Illegal Fishing Bust
With Marine Monitor radar systems providing 24/7 surveillance, the State of California now has fighting chance against illegal fishing, which is estimated to steal over $240 million a year from coastal waters and marine protected areas.
Palau Northern Reefs 2020-2021 Progress Report
For four years, Global Conservation and OneReef have partnered on the development and implementation of an innovative and highly-impactful enforcement initiative to protect coral reefs and local fisheries in Palau.
Carpathian National Nature Park Progress 2021
In 2021, Global Conservation and our partners made substantial progress in improving park and wildlife protection for CNNP by deploying Global Park Defense, as well as initating biodiversity monitoring of critically endangered species like the European Mink.
Leuser Ecosystem Progress Report 2020-2021
Global Conservation has been supporting the work of Forum Konservasi Leuser (FKL) to protect wildlife and their habitats in the Leuser Ecosystem, especially the proposed Bengkung Trumon Megafauna Sanctuary (BTMS).
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