2nd Annual Benefit Concert for Global Conservation

Music, dancing, and presentations all contributed to a memorable and successful fundraising night. The presentations were headlined by Damien Mander, CEO of IAFP and the Akashinga Rangers and Peter and Corie Knights, Wild Africa Fund and Wild Aid Founders.

The music and dance were led by Careless Whisper, the Zimbabwe Ensemble, and our very own Jeff Morgan and the Bubbles.

All proceeds go to Zambezi Valley Park and Wildlife Protection in Mana Pools National Park and the Akashinga All-Female Rangers, who are pictured above.

We had a great time, but all of the celebration has a purpose. It's to protect and restore wildlife and wild places through the. funding. of anti-poachingn efforts. The Second Annual Benefit Concert raised funds to continue the conservation of Mana Pools National Parks and its buffer zones.

Due to the hard work of Zimbabwe’s Bushlife Support Unit and Mana Pools National Park Authority, with our support, this year rings in good news: a 4th consecutive year with no elephant poaching in Mana Pools World Heritage Site!

Global Conservation celebrates supporting park and wildlife protection for the past four years through the deployment of Global Park Defense with our partners: Bushlife Conservancy and the Akashinga Rangers which work together to stop wildlife poaching and illegal activities in and around Mana Pools. Bushlife Conservancy itself provides vehicles, fuel, camping equipment, medical resources, and more to the rangers at ZimParks who work tirelessly to stop the poaching of elephants and all other wildlife.

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