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Global Conservation's Top 4 News Articles from 2023
GC gets to share our work with global media outlets so we can spread a message of hope, goals, and achievements.
Ukraine War 2022-23 - Global Park Defense Deployed to Protect Carpathians National Park, Ukraine
New Park and Wildlife Protection program first in Ukraine and model for entire Carpathians UNESCO World Heritage
Mana Pools National Park Protection - 2022-2023 Progress
Mana Pools National Park has the amazing success of having no poached elephants since 2019, Akashinga's all-women anti-poaching unit is supported in growth and strength of numbers while expanding into Mana Pools, and river patrols shut down crocodile poaching efforts.
GC Co-Hosts 2nd International Summit on National Park Protection - Borjomi Georgia
The Agency of Protected Areas of Georgia together with Global Conservation co-hosted The 1st INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT ON PROTECTED AREAS.
Calakmul Biosphere Mexico Protection - 2022-2023 Progress Report
Global Conservation helps fund a major expansion of Calakmul that also now boasts the first Mexican tropical forest reserve. Communities meet to strengthen and support for their lands.
Leuser Ecosystem Protection - 2022-23 Progress with Breaking News
Breaking News: Company Ordered to Pay Record $3.7 Million for Causing Fires in Sumatra. As more and more of Sumatra's natural ecosystems are cut down, burned, and destroyed, local communities are putting incredible effort into patrolling and restoring their jungle habitats, aided by Global Conservation.
GC Protects Derawan Archipelago Marine Park
Known as the "Coral Triangle", GC invests as a partner in a chain of islands that create the Berau Marine Protected Area. The MPA is a stunning area of marine life that supports thousands of different species.
Mirador National Park 2022-2023 Progress Report
With Global Conservation’s support and matching funding from Rainforest Trust, the private nonprofit FundaEco has been working hard to stop illegal activities in Parque Nacional Mirador – Rio Azul (Mirador-Rio Azul National Park) and surrounding areas.
Completed GC Project - 2018-2022 - Borjomi National Park, Georgia
Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park lies at an ancient geological and sociocultural crossroads that lends it remarkable historical and biological significance. Global Conservation is deploying Global Park Defense to protect this treasure. Our partners, the Georgian Agency for Protected areas, have made great strides forward this year.
Turneffe Atoll - Progress in Marine Protection 2022-2023
UPDATE: Global Conservation Secures $100,000 Grant from the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust for TASA and Supports Turneffe Atoll with another $300,000 a year for Protection and Enforcement through the deployment of Marine Monitors on the North and South ends of Turneffe Atoll to provide 24/7 monitoring for real-time response to potential illegal activities, both day and night.
Sierra del Divisor National Park Protection - 2022-23 Progress
Global Conservation funding SMART Patrols, Joint Operations, Naval River Stations, Tourism Ecolodge and Docks
La Amistad International Peace Park - 2022-2023 Progress
World Heritage Site La Amistad International Park (Parque Internacional La Amistad, PILA) carries out patrols with indigenous bodyguards to combat illegal acts including hunting, fishing, and logging. PILA also steps up tourism and community involvement while focusing on the health of biological corridors, and much more.
2nd Annual Benefit Concert for Global Conservation
As part of our outreach to Silicon Valley and the SF Bay Area, Global Conservation held its 2nd Annual fundraising event at The Guild Theatre.
Driven By Urgent Climate Emergency, Global Conservation Expands Footprint to Five Continents
Disrupting Inefficient Funding and Protection Systems, Global Conservation’s Proven Model is Now Protecting Over 25 Endangered National Parks and Marine Reserves in 18 Developing Countries
Introducing Our New Community Protection Handbook
In addition to the release of our brand new Community Protection Handbook, in which we show our deeply developed strategy for the joint protection of National Parks and Indigenous Territories, we also get to share our 2022–2023 GC Progress Report for the first time.
Global Conservation Hosts Borjomi Summit in Republic of Georgia
This Three-Day Conference will Provide Critical Knowledge Sharing and Training for over 150 National Park Leaders from 18 Developing Countries
War On Nature: With Paul Hilton
Global Conservation has released the first trailer for our "War On Nature" series, featuring world-famous conservation photographer and filmmaker Paul Hilton, whose coverage of Uganda recently made headlines world-wide.
Global Conservation Invests in Bardiya and Banke National Park and Wildlife Protection
Global conservation's multi-year investment in park-wide protection, local communities, and new poacher-sensing technologies enhances the well-being of both wildlife and people living in and around Bardiya National Park (BNP). By partnering with ZSL Nepal, concise efforts to upgrade the training and livelihoods of the rangers across every region in BNP helps to bring better awareness of poacher intrusions and provides speedier deployment to intercept poachers, thereby increasing wildlife populations.
Ecuadorians Vote to Reject Oil Drilling in Yasuní National Park
In a "historic" referendum, the Ecuadorian people vote to keep oil drilling out of the Yasuní National Park, a protected area of the Amazonian jungle where the Waorani indigenous people also live, along with one of the greatest holdings of biodiversity on Earth. GC also give an update on the involvement of the GPD program and touches on the importance of the incredible biodiversity within Yasuní National Park.
GC Lion Protection in Senegal - Niokolo-Koba National Park
GC shares news from our partner Panthera and where else we work to help save Endangered African Lions. We're helping to fight against the local extinction of two different populations of African lions.
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