Building technology-driven defense strategies to support communities and nature.

Each project deploys advanced monitoring and ranger training methods to ensure “No Cut, No Kill” protection.

Today, World Heritage Sites and national parks are becoming our last bastions of defense against the decimation of wildlife and ecosystems. Global Conservation is the only conservation organization whose mission is the direct funding of park protection systems in developing countries.


We are highly selective in choosing the projects that we support. In order for us to implement Global Park Defense, the site must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be an endangered national park or UNESCO World Heritage Site in a developing country

  2. Contain critical habitat for megafauna with intact, primary ecosystems

  3. Have a highly motivated and well-staffed park authority, possibly with collaboration from proven local NGOs

  4. Have a park authority willing to commit to the Global Park Defense goal of “No Cut, No Kill”, and be willing to fund park border demarcation and communications towers

  5. Show excellent potential for sustainable tourism to support permanent protection

Species Facing Extinction

Global Conservation’s mission is to protect endangered UNESCO World Heritage Sites and national parks in developing countries. By protecting the entire ecosystem, we protect all species. We are not single species-focused, but support protection and science for selected critically endangered keystone species in our projects. We fund scientific studies, including baseline population studies and threat assessments, to protect these Species Facing Extinction. Click on the species below to learn more!

A team of rangers patrolling a conservation area

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Your donation directly funds innovative park defense programs that empower local communities to protect their wildlife.

Four conservation rangers standing in front of a huge pile of poacher assets

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Together, we can protect the world’s remaining wild spaces through community-led park defense systems. Your gift directly supports rangers and local communities working to save their wildlife.