Jennifer Guyton Jennifer Guyton

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta National Park, Colombia

High above the Caribbean coast of Colombia, where the land rises dramatically from the sea to nearly 5,700 meters, lies the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a mountain range unparalleled in its ecological richness. This is the highest coastal range in the world, a sanctuary where glaciers gleam atop jagged peaks. This mountain range is more than just a hotspot for biodiversity; it is a spiritual heartland, a place the Kogui people call the "Heart of the World."

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Kika Tuff Kika Tuff

Mirador National Park, Guatemala

This is the Heart of the Maya Biosphere and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Mirador National Park, a proposed 500,000-hectare protected area, contains the largest intact primary forest and wildlife habitat in Central America with over 40 major ancient Maya cities and interconnected causeways.

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Sunday Roast Sunday Roast

Sierra Del Divisor National Park, Peru

The Amazon is one of the world’s greatest natural treasures: a vast expanse of rainforest stretching across 5.5 million sq. km, teeming with unparalleled biodiversity. One in every ten living species known to man lives here, including 40,000 plant species, 3000 fishes, 1300 birds, and more than 400 mammals.

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Sunday Roast Sunday Roast

Darién World Heritage Site, Panama

Panama’s Darién National Park is the largest protected area in Central America and the Caribbean. This Biosphere Reserve is considered the Americas’ most important “natural lung” after the Amazon. Darién is among the most species-rich ecosystems in Central America.

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Sunday Roast Sunday Roast

Great Maya Forest, Belize

The Greater Belize Maya Forest is critical for the conservation of the Selva Maya, one of the world's largest remaining forests and a haven for jaguars and other threatened species.

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Sunday Roast Sunday Roast

La Amistad International Peace Park, Costa Rica & Panama

La Amistad International Park is a transboundary protected area and World Heritage Site that is shared between Costa Rica and Panama. PILA protects a mosaic of diverse habitats and an extraordinary number of endemic species, found nowhere else on Earth.

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Sunday Roast Sunday Roast

Yasuni National Park, Ecuador

Global Conservation has deployed Global Park Defense in Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, one of the Amazon’s bastions for biodiversity. Yasuni, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of the last continuous tracts of virgin tropical forest in eastern Ecuador.

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