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Sunday Roast Sunday Roast

Global Conservation Highlights International Tiger Day

Jeff Morgan takes us on a journey to Sumatra, Thailand, and Nepal to talk about critical strongholds where the planet’s last wild tigers are attempting to survive. Along the way, he talks us through visits to national parks around the globe, where Global Conservation is working with game rangers to even the odds against poaching.

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Sunday Roast Sunday Roast

Watch Now: GC Helping to Save the Last Indochinese Tigers

Asia has lost over 95% of the Tiger’s historical range, and there are less than 4,000 tigers left in the wild. Excluding India and Nepal, the situation is even more dire. The largest forests remain in Myanmar, but these have been poached out, leaving empty forests where the Tiger once roamed freely. No Tigers remain in all of China, Cambodia, Laos, or Vietnam.

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Sunday Roast Sunday Roast

GC Deploys Global Park Defense to Marine Ecosystems

Global Conservation is working to scale up Marine Protection by deploying our Global Park Defense system combined with an innovative Marine Monitor (M2) radar system developed by ProtectedSeas combined with UAV Drones to enable 24/7 surveillance against illegal fishing and marine wildlife poaching.

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Sunday Roast Sunday Roast

Watch Now: Saving La Selva Maya

In 2021 a group of over a dozen conservation organizations made a critical purchase of land - in the heart of the Maya Biosphere. Real park protection is needed in the Belize Maya Forest which has few rangers and only one truck. These rangers also lack critical patrolling gear, communications, and surveillance technology. Global Conservation stepped up to provide five years of direct funding for equipment, training, and patrol operations needed to protect these beautiful forests and wildlife habitats.

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Kika Tuff Kika Tuff

GC Mission To Jardines De La Reina National Park, Cuba

Global Conservation hosted donors, board members and advisors on a spectacular diving trip to Jardines de la Reina, Cuba, with our Partner in Conservation – Avalon – who has implemented the most robust and successful Marine Protection programs in the world.

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Coral Reef with lots of fish

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