Authorities Arrest Derawan Bomb Fishers And Turtle Poachers, Plus Smart Training Takes Place For Partners
Thousands of turtle eggs that were poached from nests were found by our partners while working in collaboration with government officials.
Berau Police Water and Air Police Unit, together with the Natural Resources Conservation Agency, Fisheries Service, Environment and Forestry Service, and Civil Service Police Unit, succeeded in arresting two perpetrators who were suspected of committing the crime of stealing turtle eggs in the waters of the Batu Putih Sea.
Watch Now! War on Nature: Derawan Archipelago
The perpetrators arrested were one I.R., a 42-year-old fisherman, and one M.R., a 25-year-old island guard.
AKP official Faisal Hamid explained that the chronology of the incident began when joint patrol personnel carried out a patrol around the sea waters of Berau Regency at 7:00 pm WITA time. At 8:00 pm, they found a dompeng boat around Bilang Bilangan Island.
The evidence that was secured included 2,200 turtle eggs, one fish crate, one Styrofoam box, one stenlis stick with a wooden handle, two coconut shells, two blue plastic buckets, and one wooden boat with a blue and red Dompeng 24 PK engine. "[During] interrogation, I.R. and M.R. admitted to taking turtle eggs without permission from Bilang Bilangan Island," said Faisal Hamid.
The perpetrator and the evidence were then taken to the Berau Police Polairud Sat office for further legal proceedings. The perpetrators were charged under Article 40, Law Number 5 of 1990, concerning the Conservation of Living Natural Resources and their Ecosystems.
This arrest is a firm step by the authorities in preserving natural resources, especially turtles, which are protected animals. The authorities hope that this action will have a deterrent effect and warn the public not to get involved in illegal activities that are detrimental to the sustainability of the marine ecosystem.
SMART Training Regency Government Invites All Parties to Take Part in Maintaining the Conservation of the Derawan Islands Marine Park and Surroundings
The Regent of Berau, Sri Juniarsih Mas, opened the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) Training for the Protection of the Derawan Islands Marine Park for Berau Regency and Global Conservation Partners at the Palmy Exlusive Hotel, Jalan SA Maulana, Tanjung Redeb District.
In the Regent's speech read by the Berau Regional Secretary, representing the Berau District Government, whose name is M. Said, stated that he appreciated and welcomed the implementation of this training activity, which of course is expected to provide benefits for related officials, including tourism awareness groups (Pokdarwis), communities, and community groups who have concern for the natural preservation of the Derawan Islands and its surroundings.
"For this reason, I would like to thank the attention of my GC colleagues, especially Mr. Dadang Mujiono. I hope that the existence of GC and the collaboration that exists will encourage all of us to be aware of maximizing the potential of the Derawan Islands," said Said.
"Of course without neglecting the protection of marine parks, beach cleanliness, environmentally friendly fishing practices, sustainable waste management, and most importantly, increasing the frequency of patrols aimed at increasing protection of the Derawan [Archipelago] and its surroundings from prohibited and detrimental activities," he continued.
Derwan Island, part of the Derawan Archipelago.
"The Berau Regency Government has a strong commitment to encouraging efforts to develop the Derawan [Archipelago] and their surroundings as a conservation area for investment. We have also received support from the East Kalimantan Provincial Government. Then, we also collaborated with a number of parties, both domestic and foreign, one of which was the Republic of Seychelles," he explained.
He admitted that his party had also held discussions with international researchers, provided support for environmentally friendly capture fisheries facilities and infrastructure through the Provincial and Regency APBD, and implemented programs to increase the capacity of implementing human resources and the community.
"Furthermore, we are also providing partnership assistance with YKAN related to the Payung-Payung Tourism Village, carrying out alternative livelihood studies related to ornamental coral opportunities for tourism management and coral rehabilitation by resorts and BUMK, as well as plans to identify small islands in Berau that can support the blue economy, ideas for 'exclusive tour packages, as well as an inventory of small islands as assets of the Berau Regency Government,'" he explained.
Nevertheless, the coastal and marine natural resource potential of Berau Regency is quite promising to support development, in accordance with the mandate of the 2020–2024 RPJMN, one of which is strengthening economic resilience through managing marine resources and accelerating the increase in added value, one of which is the tourism sector.
"We are committed to improving the community's economy through developing tourism-based businesses and local wisdom. We are optimistic that the tourism sector will truly be able to become a regional mainstay sector," he stressed. "We are trying to stimulate economic activity and open up investment opportunities in Berau Regency as one of the partner areas of the national capital, which is highly favored in the tourism sector, especially the enchanting Derawan Islands."
Scuba diving and sea turtle viewing are available as rewarding tourist experiences.
Currently, Berau Regency is listed as a National Tourism Strategy Area and a National Priority Tourism Destination. It has 12 tourist villages and 276 tourist attractions, including natural, artificial, and cultural, on land and at sea, as well as 10 leading tourist destinations, including the Derawan Islands.
"We, together with a number of parties, are promoting the blue economy concept, which emphasizes sustainable economic development centered on the sea while still paying attention to the sustainability of the marine ecosystem, where the management and utilization of coastal and marine resources means that communities are encouraged to develop marine-based livelihoods but not exceed capacity," he explained.
With this concept, Said hopes to increase the community's economic growth while protecting coastal and marine resources so that they can be used sustainably. He estimates that the concept offered by GC with a SMART approach also has the same spirit, namely maintaining the preservation of the Derawan Maratua Islands so that they continue to be sustainable, useful, and prosperous for the people of Berau.
“I advise all of you to take part in this activity as best as possible. Let's work together to increase awareness and contribute our best to the preservation of the Derawan Islands so that they continue to be useful for generations to come."
GC-Supported Patrols Catch Three Perpetrators Of Fish Bombing
Three perpetrators of illegal fishing using fish bombs were arrested by a joint patrol team in Berau, East Kalimantan. The team consisted of the Indonesian Navy Command Post, Maratua Lantamal XIII, the Maratua Police, and the Turtle/Malipe Care Institute.
"All soldiers of Lantamal XIII and their ranks must always carry out optimal and massive patrols," said Commander of Lantamal XIII First Admiral TNI Deni Herman, as reported by ANTARA on Friday, February 23. Initially, the joint patrol team carried out patrols to Belmbangan Island and Sambit Island, Berau.
While heading to Balikukup Island around Karang Dangalahan, the joint patrol team visited a fishing boat that was active to ask about its activities. The fisherman who was fishing told the joint patrol team that around the area there were frequent fish bombings. Upon seeing the speedboat approaching the vessel, the fishermen accelerated the vessel to move away from the speedboat and quickly discarded two plastic bottles containing bomb fertilizers into the sea.
Blast fishing levels entire reefs and the wildlife that lives within them. Due to the disruption of the entire food system, the technique is deemed unsustainable.
At 07:42 AM local time, the patrol speedboat successfully apprehended the fish bombing vessel.
The officers immediately carried out an inspection of the three perpetrators and the ship used. Several tools were found to carry out the bombing of fish, in the form of a mixture of bomb fertilizer, locis or an explosive axis, a compressor, and empty glass bottles that were allegedly used for fish bomb sites.
Furthermore, the Joint Patrol Team secured the suspect and evidence for the Biduk-Biduk Police for further handling steps.
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